Find peace and tranquility when you finally settle on this 2.12-acre property in San Bernardino County, California! Situated in Madrid Pl, Pinon Hills, this lot is indeed the right opportunity for you!
Your family will find theres no lack of things to do in Southern California, everything from whale watching to uncounted local events. Outdoor recreation that includes Six Flags could be found all around the area. Theres so much fun to be had in Pinon Hills and also other Southern California cities just take a look at this list. Youll never forget the experience.
Call us now for this offer!
Cash Price: $29,999
Terms: $4,999 down and $449/month for 73 months
Parcel Number: 3099-311-23
County: San Bernardino
State: California
Parcel Size: 2.12 Acres
Legal Description: TRACT 8048 LOT 47
City: Pinon Hills
Zip Code: 92372
GPS Center Coordinates: 34.471012, -117.628734
GPS Coordinates (4 Corners):
34.471746, -117.629067
34.471746, -117.62852
34.470194, -117.629056
34.470199, -117.628509
Elevation: 3651 ft
Access to Property (Dirt or Paved): Paved Road
Zoning: PH/RM (Phelan/Pinon Hills/Multiple Residential)
Terrain: Flat
Time limit: None
Tax Amount: $667.50
HOA: None
Water: Would need to drill water well
Sewer: Would need to install septic
Power: In the area
Doc Fee: $300