BIG OPPORTUNITY! This new listing is approximately 82.93 acres located on County Road 392 in Jewett, Texas. This one is about 65% wooded, filled with hardwood trees. The rolling terrain, hilltop- potentially a build site for new country home and large pond give property so much appeal. Perfect as is for hunting or could be an incredible homesite with a little clean up. Electricity and water available. (Need more acreage? there is a 39.78 +/- ac tract across the road for additional consideration.)
From Jewett take Hwy 39 South about 6 miles, turn right on CR 392, property is about 1.2 miles down on the right, sign posted
From Centerville take Hwy 7 West, go thru intersection of Hwy 7 and FM 39 about 1/2 mile take first County Road to right, CR 392, go about .9 of a Mile, property on the left, Signs posted.