39 Acres with many uses. Hunting, Recreation or Building Site. Property is already established with Pine Timber around 21 years old. Some hardwoods
and has a small pond on property. Plenty of road frontage that is paved. Approximately 8 acres across the road as outlined on map.
This is an excellent tract that once thinned, will grow into logs to have extra money in the future. Great Big Buck Country and plenty of wildlife.
This property is very close to Pristine 695 Acre Kemper Lake that offers many amenities, always stocked with great fishing with designated area just for fishing, excellent boat launches, water sports of all kinds, camping, kayaking, skiing and enjoy camping and beautiful nature trails. Call for appointment to view or take a ride to see if this one is for you.
From DeKalb, Ms take Hwy 16 West. Just out of city limits take a right on Hwy 397. Just pass Kemper Lake entrance, take a left onto Mellon Road. Property is about a mile on right and adjoining property across the road.