Pricing Details:
Price: $139,000
Property Details:
Parcel #: 14-01-02-3-001-001.001/ 14-01-02-3-001-001.002
County: Montgomery, AL
Parcel Size: 25.1 Acres
Location: 0 Dianne Lane, Montgomery, AL, 36108
Legal Description: Sec 2 T15 N R17 E 12.5 Ac In Se1/4 Of Sw1/4
Property Dimensions: 1071.14 feet x 1109.94 feet x 1083.54 feet x 1083.54 feet Approx.
GPS Center Coordinates: 32.301429, -86.336576
GPS Coordinates (4 Corners) Approximate:
32.300021, -86.337626
32.303125, -86.337130
32.302816, -86.336761
32.302813, -86.336772
32.302596, -86.336311
32.303088, -86.335706
32.300048, -86.335705
32.300028, -86.337611
32.303085, -86.335710
32.300052, -86.335704
32.303074, -86.334176
32.300074, -86.334105
Elevation: 190.3 ft
Access to Property (Dirt or Paved): Paved
Zoning: R-60-S Residential
Terrain: Flat
Time limit: 6 months
Tax Amount: $499.32
HOA: not part of an HOA
Water: Public water (Montgomery Water Works & Sanitary Sewer Board at (334) 206-1600)
Sewer: Public sewer (Montgomery Water Works & Sanitary Sewer Board at (334) 206-1600)
Power: There is electric utility nearby (Alabama Power Company Southern Division Office +18884305787)
All information provided is best available info provided by the owner. Buyer to verify all necessary information.