Intriguing Island County consists of two large islands, Whidbey and Camano, and six small, uninhabited islands. Whidbey Island is located about 30 miles north of Seattle, and lies between the Olympic Peninsula and the western Washington Seattle corridor. The island forms the northern boundary of Puget Sound.
This 0.3 acre lot fronts Driftwood Way only 200 feet from the beach. It is ideally located in a neighborhood just mile south of Ledgewood Beach and only a few miles south of the historic town of Coupeville.
The community of Ledgewood Beach is near Admiralty Bay and Inlet. Homes for sale in Ledgewood Beach vary in price, size, and design, but almost all enjoy a beautiful view of Puget Sound and neighboring Port Townsend. The ferry to Port Townsend on the Olympic Peninsula is just 10 minutes away near Fort Casey State Park.
There are ample outdoor adventures and other activities on the Islands!
Dont miss this unique opportunity!!
Legal Description: LEDGEWD BCH 2 LOT 6 BLK 8