32.41 Acres located 5 miles from Stephens, 20 minutes from Lake Oconee & 24 miles from Athens. This property host a healthy diversity of Hardwood and Pine timber that's just about ready for thinning giving a new owner the ability to establish Pasture, More cleared area for a private tucked away Home site or to further your timber investment for the future by also adding to the healthy wildlife habitat of the property. Throughout the property you'll find established interior roads and trails, merchantable soils and evidence of terraced fields from years ago when this property hosted thriving crop production as it sits a top a aquifer that'll allow ease of use from your well that'll support your Farm or Home on this property. This Farm host Partial Fenced and Cross fenced pastures that have Bermuda & Fescue Grasses, 30+ year old Pines and Ancient Hardwoods that call this mostly level topography ground Home. If you're looking for a Private spot to call home where you can have some livestock or Horses, A spot to spend Fall & Spring chasing Deer & Turkey or a investment tract with Timber Value you've found it here at 864 Stephens Salem Rd, Stephens, Ga. Check out the Virtual Tour for this Farm by searching the Address on any Social Media platform. Call today to schedule a driven tour of this place !