Burke Real Estate is Proud to Present:
80 Acres m/l Winneshiek, Ridgeway, Iowa 52165
Property will be sold at public auction 10:00AM 4/3/2025
SALE SITE: Featherlite Center, Fairgrounds, Cresco, Iowa
LEGAL DESCRIPTION: The North Half of the Northeast Quarter of Section 31, Township 98 North, Range 10 West of the 5th P.M., Winneshiek County, Iowa.
80 Acres more or less
CRP Acres: 74.7
Average CSR2: 66.1
Real Estate Taxes: $2,188
There is 74.0 acres that was re-enrolled into CRP October 1, 2024. If someone wants to farm this piece, it could be bought out of CRP this spring for $5,550. This would be the buyers expense and the buyer would be given early possession to do fieldwork. The earnest money would be forfeited if the buyer does not close when Seller is ready to give warranty deed. Buyer agrees to furnish insurance coverage for any liability arising out of whatever nature to Buyer or Buyers employees or Buyers guests and will hold Seller blameless in any such event.
Bid dollar per surveyed acre.
SURVEY: Acres and tillable acres have been estimated using Surety Maps. Property will be surveyed to determine exact acres. Survey will be at Sellers expense. Sale price will be adjusted according to survey. Existing fences may or may not be in correct location.
Soil information and average CSR information is based on Surety Maps.
1% Buyers fee to be paid at closing
This is a live auction with online and phone bidding available.
From Cresco: Go south towards Protivin on Willow Avenue for seven miles, then east on 170th Street for two miles, continue onto 230th Street for a half mile. Property is on the south side of the road. WATCH FOR SIGNS.