In Northern Bourbon County you'll find this gorgeous combination farm large enough to get your nonresident landowners deer tag every year. The Little Osage River acts as a highway through the farm for deer to travel and the perfect place for roosting gobblers. There are approximately 40 acres of quality crop ground to provide significant annual income. The deer and turkey hunting have been practiced very responsibly over the years with much focus on conserving the age structure and a healthy population of turkeys. This area of Kansas is well known for deer management and great genetics. The NE side of the farm is normally accessed by crossing a low water spot in the river. The crossing is said to be substantial enough to handle farm equipment as well.With over 40 foot of elevation change from the Southwest field on the property down to the bottom fields, the views are spectacular. If you're in the market for a wonderful hunting property with some annual income this would be a great property to consider.