Location: This ranch is located at 10318 Shasta Blvd. Lost Molinos, CA 96055. Taking Highway 99 North, the property is 30 minutes from Chico.
APN: The property consists of four parcels.
047-330-015 (4.06 acres m/l)
047-020-003 (51.16 acres m/l)
047-020-004 (20 acres m/l)
047-020-007 (.72 acres m/l)
Variety: The ranch is planted with Chandler walnuts, 26 acres were planted in 2015 and the remaining acreage was planted in 2018. The spacing on the trees is 25'x19'.
Water: The ranch is irrigated with a 116-hp John Deere diesel motor ag well, producing approximately 1200 gallons per minute.
Irrigation: The ranch is irrigated via Micro sprinklers in two sets.
Improvements: In addition to the beautiful walnut orchard, this property also features a 1,456 sq.ft. house and a barn ideal for equipment storage. This ranch is well-sized for a beginner farmer looking to join the agricultural industry. Properties of this size and location are hard to find, don't miss your chance to invest!