Located close to the Oklahoma Texas border youll find Buck Haven Ranch, 640 ac +/- of prime hunting land. With multiple ponds throughout the property and diverse terrain ranging from rolling hills, ravines & Mesquite trees to provide cover and fields to plant food crops, youll find a multitude of Whitetail Deer, Turkey, Quail, Bobcat, Coyote, Rabbit, Fox, Hogs and other game. Land is cross fenced and capable of running 40-50 head of cattle. A water well with solar powered pump on the East side, will be included with the property ensuring a reliable water source for livestock or irrigation, enhancing the land's functionality and appeal. Rural water is located nearby at the corner of Carl Rd (E 1420 Rd) and N 1680 Rd, so rural water could be added to the property. Electric is also available at the road. Property qualifies for CRP so you could access the benefits of keeping it as raw land vs farming, the choice is yours. Land is currently leased for Deer Hunting so please make appointments before entering. An additional 80ac on the North can also be purchased (please inquire with realtor).
From Hwy 30 go East 3.5 miles on Carl Rd (also known as E 1420 Rd) and you will come to the property on the NE corner of Carl Road and County Road 1680. Use 14032 N County Road 1670 Vinson OK for GPS