Get ready for the ultimate hunting adventure on this incredible 50.77 acre farm located near the Hardin community of Marshall County ____ Becoming the owner of this is seriously like winning the lottery, rather than cash u get a stunning piece of land that holds water year round, is super private surrounded mostly by agricultural land & woods & has unbelievable amounts wildlife_____There is a Wetlands Conservancy Easement that runs in perpetuity with the land, which means no tree harvesting, no permanent structures or agricultural income, among other restrictions_____So if you've been dreaming of finding the perfect waterfowl hunting farm, this one might just be the one. ____ It's a real honey hole !
From the intersection on HWY 641 & Brewers Hwy (Hardin Dollar General), turn onto Brewers Hwy, str8 at sign, turns into Aurora Hwy. (402) Then left onto Old Olive Rd (hwy 962). Subject on left.