Farms like this just don't come up often. This farm is surrounded by some of the best remnant prairies that Northern Missouri has to offer. This property is gentle rolling hardwoods and a cedar thicket that rolls down into a creek bottom that currently has 11.5 acres m/l in corn and soybean production. They feathered the crop land with some native grasses to provide cover and confidence to make sure that big deer feels secure stepping out into this vital food source. Neighboring landowners are management minded to ensure that deer that are harvested in this area are mature. West wind access on this farm will be ideal as to not blow out the bedding areas. Attached in the photos is a management plan from Pure Air Land Management already laid out ready to be tweaked and executed by the new owners outlining some programs to offset some costs.
From MO-11 take High Ridge Trail to Timber View Trail, Look for sign on the right.