Zootastic represents the unprecedented opportunity for a qualified buyer to purchase the largest privately owned and operated zoo in the state of North Carolina. Known for their exotic animal interaction, kids camps and holiday light displays this regional destination is located within close proximity to Charlotte with easy access off of I-77. The sale includes not only the underlying real estate but also the operating business, inventory, and animals.
There are multiple profit centers associated with the operation:
1) Daily Admission Fee
2) Private Animal Encounters with tiered pricing based on time/animal
3) Gift Shop
4) Field Trips, Birthday Parties, Group Events
5) Jr. Zookeeper Camp (Ten Summer Sessions)
6) Holiday Light Drive Thru
Additional information will be provided to qualified buyers upon request.
A buyer will need to obtain/qualify for a Class C- Exhibitor APHIS permit to continue its operation as a zoo.
From Charlotte:
I-77 North to Exit 42 (Troutman)Left off the Exit on Hwy 21Travel 1 Mile, Turn Right on Ostwalt Amity Road.Travel 1.5 Miles Zootastic Park will be on the Left