Pricing Details:
Price: $29,900
Owner Financed Price: $49,634
$7,446 Down & $606/Month
Inquire with us for alternate financing options
Property Details:
Parcel #: 150827-1-000-049005
County: Marshall, AL
Parcel Size: 2.84 acres
Location: Lot 4 MONROE ST, GUNTERSVILLE, AL, 35976
Legal Description: LOT 4 MADELINE GRACE S/D PB 8 PG 149 CONT 2.84ACD 655-866
Property Dimensions: 699.35 feet x 469.23 feet x 186.97 feet x
517.78 feet
GPS Center Coordinates: 34.30944327370112, -86.3077448061569
GPS Coordinates (4 Corners) Approximate:
34.310420833414746, -86.30829838909204
34.30907028897206, -86.30666871409251
34.309066168791276, -86.3082263978945
34.3094633829472, -86.30863362515917
34.309994714554335, -86.30789605486544
34.31036704845321, -86.30837090950013
Elevation: 671.1 feet
Access to Property (Dirt or Paved): Paved
Terrain: Level to gentle rolling
Time limit: Good for a year
Tax Amount:
HOA: Not part of an HOA
Water: Yes by GUNTERSVILLE WATER & SEWER BOARD (256) 506-9000
Sewer: Yes by GUNTERSVILLE WATER & SEWER BOARD (256) 506-9000
Power: Yes by GUNTERSVILLE ELECTRIC BOARD (256) 582-5691
All information provided is best available info provided by the owner. Buyer to verify all necessary information.