The property has been used as a stock farm and is fenced and cross-fenced into five pastures. It has good water and is set up for rotational grazing. There are good corrals and other improvements on the property. The property is mostly open pastureland, and some acreage has been in cultivation in the past.
The terrain is rolling to sloping, with a few hills on the north end and eastern edge of the property.
There are three water wells. Two are equipped with electric pumps, and the remaining well is drilled and cased but does not have a pump. The ranch has four surface ponds. Two of the ponds are larger and typically hold water year round.
The improvements consist of a 40x60 barn with lean too on the south side of the barn. There is a large equipment shed ad two-grain silos on the property as well. Other improvements include corrals, load-out chutes, and two wells houses.
The property is relatively open, but some areas are suitable for deer hunting. Ducks frequent the ponds, and other game birds, such as dove and quail, are also on the property.
Property is being offered with 1/2 of owned minerals to convey.
t is located northeast of Bronte, Texas, at the intersection of FM 384 and CR 215. From Bronte, take Hwy 277 north for one mile, then turn right onto FM 384; the property is approximately four miles and located on both sides of FM 384.