349.70 Acres, m/l, in Sections 29, 14 and 15, Allen Twp., Harrison County, Iowa (Offered in 2 Parcels)
Friday, January 10, 2025 - 10:00 a.m.
Auction Location:
Moorhead Community Center 100 Oak St., Moorhead, IA 51558
Farm Locations
Parcel 1 - From Pisgah, IA: Head east for 3.1 miles on Easton/County Hwy F20L, turn right onto Laredo Ave/County Hwy L23 drive south 1.5 miles arriving at 147th St. Land is east and west and northerly of this point. Address 2259 147th St., Pisgah, IA 51564. Watch for Signs.
Parcel 2 From Pisgah, IA: Head east for 4.5 miles on Easton/County Hwy F20L, turn left onto 135th St. drive east 1.1 miles, then turn north onto Nash Trail driving 0.6 miles. This is the southeast point of the land which lies north and west of this point. Address 1401 Nash Trail, Woodbine, IA 51579. Watch for Signs.
NOTE: Diverse Combination Hill Land with exceptional Cropland and Recreational Hunting Land with Deer and Turkey. (The first 14 still photos here show Parcel 1 and then there after there are 12 photos showing Parcel 2)
Legal Descriptions
Parcel 1 The North Half of the Southeast Quarter; and the North Half of the Southwest Quarter; all in Section Twenty-nine (29), Township (81) North, Range (43) West of the 5th P.M., Harrison County, Iowa, EXCEPT for all that part of the Northwest Quarter of the Southeast Quarter of said Section 29, lying Northwesterly of the existing County Highway L-23, more particularly described as beginning at the intersection of the centerline of said County Highway L-23 with the South line of the Northwest Quarter of the Southeast Quarter of said Section 29-81-43, thence West along said South line 342.60 feet, thence North 316'40" East 280.40 feet, thence East parallel with the South line of said Northwest Quarter of the Southeast Quarter 430.10 feet to the centerline of said County Highway L-23, thence following existing centerline South 2048'30" West 126.45 feet, thence South 1955'30" West 172.00 feet to the Point of Beginning. (Tract contains 2.43 acres including public roads and 2.00 acres excluding public roads. NOTE: The south line of the Northwest Quarter of the Southeast Quarter of Section 29-81-43 is presumed to bear due West.) Abstract to Govern
Parcel 2 Lot Two (2) of the Southwest Quarter (SW) of Section 14 and the Southeast Quarter (E1/4) of Section 15, all in Township 81 North, Range 43 West of the 5th P.M., Harrison County, Iowa, except public roads and rights of way of record, EXCEPT The Northeast Quarter (NE) of Section Fifteen (15), Township Eighty-one (81) North, Range Forty-three (43) West of the 5th P.M., Harrison County, Iowa, And Parcel "A", a Parcel of Land located in part of Lot 2 of the NW SW of Section 14 and part of the NE SE of Section 15, all in Township 81 North, Range 43 West of the 5th P.M., Harrison County, Iowa. Parcel contains 12.26 acres, more or less, 11.72 acres excluding presently established county road of way and is subject to all easements of record, according to Survey recorded in Book 2006 Page 0474, filed February 16, 2006. Abstract to Govern.
Real Estate Taxes
Parcel 1 - Annual Tax: $3,878
Net Taxable Acres: 151.65
Parcel 2 - Annual Tax: $5,222
Net Taxable Acres: 198.05
Parcel 1 - FSA Data Tract 51
Farmland Acres: 152.56 Cropland Acres: 113.22
Non-Cropland/Timber Acres: Approximately 39.34
Corn Base: 131.19 Ac.
Corn PLC Yield: 150 Bu.
Parcel 2 - FSA Data Tract 4862
Farmland Acres: 202.74 Cropland Acres: 131.83
Non-Cropland/Timber Acres: Approximately 70.91
Corn Base: 131.81 Ac.
Corn PLC Yield: 150 Bu.
Soil Types/Productivity - See soil map for details, 2023 AgriData, Inc.
Parcel 1 - Primary soil Napier silt loam and Ida silt loam on entire farm
CSR2: 56.9 entire farm, Primary soil on cropland Napier silt loam and Monona silt loam; CSR2: 66.2 cropland, Primary soil on timberland Ida silt loam; CSR2: 30.5 timberland.
Soil Types/Productivity - See soil map for details, 2023 AgriData, Inc.
Parcel 2 - Primary soil Napier silt loam and Monona silt loam on entire farm.
CSR2: 53 entire farm, Primary soil on cropland Monona silt loam and Napier silt loam; CSR2: 65.1 cropland, Primary soil on timberland Napier silt loam and Monona silt loam; CSR2: 56.5 timberland.
Land Descriptions
Tract 1 Hill ground with cropland and Recreational/Hunting Timber Land
Tract 2 Hill ground with cropland and Recreational/Hunting Timber
Grain Storage Bins situated on both parcels.
Parcel 1 Bin Steel Grain Storage 30x20 built 1980, Bin Steel Grain Storage 18x18 built 1973
Parcel 2 Bin Steel Bin Storage 30x16 built in 1963, Bin Steel Grain Storage 30x16 built 1977, Wire Grain Storage 16x18 built 1900
Auction Information
Method of Sale
Property will be offered as two individual tracts of land
Bids will be $/acre x 151.65 Acres for Parcel 1
Bids will be $/acre x 198.05 Acres for Parcel 2
Seller reserves the right to refuse any and all bids.
Terms and Possession
10% down payment required the day of the sale. Successful bidders are purchasing with no financing contingencies and must be prepared for cash settlement of their purchase on or before February 28, 2025 or after any objections to title have been cleared. Possession at Closing subject to the rights of the 2024 Farm Tenant notice was given. Taxes will be prorated to date of closing.
Properties are being sold on an AS IS, WHERE IS basis, and no warranty or representation, either express or implied, concerning the property is made by the Seller or the auction company. Each potential bidder is responsible for conducting his or her own independent inspections, investigations, inquiries, and due diligence concerning the property. The information contained in this advertising is believed to be accurate but is subject to verification by all parties relying on it. No liability for its accuracy, errors or omissions is assumed by the Seller or the Auction Company. All sketches and dimensions in this brochure are approximate. All acreages are approximate and have been estimated based on legal descriptions or aerial photographs. Conduct at the auction and increments of bidding are at the direction and discretion of the auctioneer. The Seller and Auction Company reserve the right to preclude any person from bidding if there is any question as to the persons credentials, fitness, etc. All decisions of the Auctioneer and Seller at the auction are final. Parcels are subject to any Easements of Record.