Morton Elevator Rd Irrigated 320 Acres
AREA: SE of Sunray, TX in Moore Co.
LOCATION: From Sunray, TX , drive east on FM Hwy 281 for .5 miles to Texas Beef Rd. Turn right and drive south 7 miles to Morton Elevator Rd. Turn left and drive east 2 miles. Property sits 12 mile to the north.
TOTAL ACRES: Approximately 320 Acres
TOTAL WET ACRES: Approximately 120 Acres
TOTAL IRRIGATION WELLS: 2 Irrigation Wells (1 Well Not in Use)
TOTAL GPM: Approximately 150 GPM
POWER: Generator; 3-Phase Electricity is 12 Mile Away
GPM/WET ACRE: 1.25 GPM/Wet Acre
PRICE: $1,900/Acre or $608,000
2- Irrigation Wells (1 Well Not in Use)
1- T&L 14 Mile Sprinkler
1- Zimmatic 14 Mile Sprinkler
1- Turbine Pump with Gearhead
1- Belt Drive Generator
1- Submersible Pump
1- Domestic Well with Submersible Pump
1- Chevy 454 Engine
From Sunray, TX , drive east on FM Hwy 281 for .5 miles to Texas Beef Rd. Turn right and drive south 7 miles to Morton Elevator Rd. Turn left and drive east 2 miles. Property sits 12 mile to the north.