Main Creek Bottoms for sale! If you’ve driven down Hwy. 412 in Western Oklahoma, there’s a good chance you’ve noticed this beautiful property sitting on the north side of the highway. There’s an attractive barndo-minium overlooking a large field on the banks of Main Creek. The field is overlooked by towering cottonwoods on the back-side with deer and turkey in view most of the time.The Property itself is loaded with cover and trees, with meandering meadow-openings along its banks for over a mile. You’ll be hard pressed to find a more beautiful and ascetically-pleasing property. Main Creek is one of the few Live creeks that feed the Cimarron River in Northwest Oklahoma. As the creek meanders its way through the wide canyon, it is fed by several finger-draws and drainages. The bottom is overlooked by impressive Cap-Rock outcroppings reaching 150ft. above the bottom. The creek supports beautiful and healthy hardwoods; these included century-old Cottonwoods, Chinaberry, Hackberry, Elms, Locusts, and Oaks. The Creek has a constant flow of clear spring water from up above. Plus, it has numerous pools of water in various spots as it makes its way through the property.Big Whitetail Potential! Main Creek and the Cimarron River have long been known for Big Whitetail, but this specific area is one of those rare pockets with elevated genetics. The area has continually produced big deer for decades, many B&C qualifiers. The sky’s the limit if you’ll just let them get old. It’s set-up and ready to hunt with Blinds, Feeders, and Foodplots.The ranch holds a diversity of wildlife. In addition to great Whitetail hunting, there are Mule Deer in this general area. Sportsmen will also enjoy excellent Rio Grande turkey hunting. The mature hardwoods provide excellent roosting sites for a large winter-flock of turkeys. Various portions of the ranch contain great Quail habitat as well.There is a nice pond, recently cleaned-out, now re-filling. Once full, the pond can be stocked with fish and provide enjoyment for the owners for many years. The scattered creek-pools will hold ducks in the Winter as well. Once the fields are planted back to crop land, the waterfowl numbers could be unbelievable.There are three fields currently in grass. The large field along the highway produced 87 round-bales the last time is was cut. However, if these Ag-fields were transitioned to cropland, like alfalfa, wheat, or milo, the deer and turkey numbers could easily triple. Deer in this area will travel for many miles to food sources.The Barndo still needs water added, but the structure is there and it’s well-built.The area in general offers additional attractions. It’s within an 45min. of Canton Lake and only a short drive from 4 State Parks;- Boiling Springs State Park- Gloss Mountain State Park- Little Sahara State Park- Alabaster Caverns State ParkThe property offers buyers a rare opportunity to mold and improve their own ranch with unlimited potential. Don’t hesitate to contact Steve with any questions or to schedule a showing.Excellent Hunting; Deer, Rio Grande Turkey, Waterfowl, QuailBig Whitetail PotentialLive Creek Main CreekGreat Scenic Home siteDry PondCropland, FoodplotsStands/FeedersBarn-dominium42’x72’ with a 16’ Lean-to over the front porchFenced and Cross-fencedWater well with SolarElectricHighway FrontageGyp-rock roadSurface Only