New Price, $1750 an acre, Best deal in Sutton, County!!! If you like a great deal on some awesome hunting land, this ranch is for you! It's a great deal for Sutton County at less than $2,000 an acre, due to a fire coming through the area 3 year ago. With a good moisture year, the new growth should be awesome for all kinds of wildlife. This canyon country is home to big whitetail bucks, turkey, aoudad, hogs and even some axis and black buck. This property has it's own access point off of the paved CR 110, and is newly fenced on three sides. It has power all along the north side, an old water well and great roads for access. There is a pumping station in the northeast corner, but the energy company has it's own entrance. If you are a value investor and think long term, this property is the one for you.