Your own year-round clear water creek, huge gravel sandbar, deer, turkeys, hogs, squirrels, rabbits, and I even heard a quail whistling while taking pictureswhat more could you ask for?! This +-274 acre retreat is set up to provide for a great hunting and timber investment. Being only 30 minutes from I-55 and less than an hour from Natchez your property is easily accessible while being secluded for your hunting and privacy. The current owners have managed the timber very well and have a great road system developed throughout the property along with multiple food plots ready for planting. The middle fork of the Homochitto River is your western boundary and you will own a very large sandbar that is full of larger wash gravel. This gravel was used to develop the current driveway and has plenty enough to gravel even more of the road system if you desire. Lots of wildlife, seclusion off of the road, waterfront, and all you need is a little tractor workyou’ll be ready for hunting season.
From Interstate 55. Take exit 38 onto Hwy 84 headed West. In 24 miles veer north onto us hwy 124 and then turn north onto union church rd. In 5 miles turn left onto Oldenburg rd. and in 2.5 miles the driveway for the property will be on your right.