Opportunity: Fee simple purchase of MRI Orchards. This is an established orchard in the central
Washington growing region.
Property Description: There are approximately 259 gross acres, with a total of 216 plantable
acres. Currently 170 acres are planted to apples with 46 acres of bare land ready for development.
This orchard consists of 3 contiguous parcels near Mattawa, WA.
Seller: MRI is owned by well-known growers in the fruit industry.
Water: Water comes from the South Columbia Basin Irrigation District.
Topography & Region: The property is located in the central Washington growing region. This area
is known for warm temperatures during peak summer months and quality early fruit. The orchard
is in the northern reaches of the Wahluke region and gently sloping to the south, providing good
air flow. There are sixteen (16) Orchard Rite wind machines to assist with air movement.
Improvements: There is a 1,408 square foot concrete block home and a 1,188 square foot
manufactured home.
Tree Fruit: There are a total of 170.3 planted/plantable acres of which 78.3 acres are being
traditionally grown and 62.7 acres being grown organically. Varieties include Envy (15.7 ac) ,
Aztec Fuji (11.4 ac), Gala (51.2 ac), and Organic Gala (13.4 ac) Organic Granny Smith (13.4 ac),
and Organic Pink Lady (17.0 ac). Seventy-eight (78) acres are planted high density 3 x 10
spacing. There is also 70.2 acres of bare land ready for orchard development.