CR 1078 160 Acres
State: Texas
Region: South Plains
County: Bailey
Property Type: Dryland/Irrigated Farm/Grazing
Acres: 160 acres more or less
Price: $3,000.00 per acre
Taxes: $412.54 (approximately)
Location: 2 miles south, 2.5 miles west and .5 mile north from Muleshoe, TX
Previously irrigated farm that with two irrigation wells and a center pivot irrigation system. The closest observation wells show saturated thickness of 92.6, 87.1 and 52.8. The seller makes no representation to the working order of the irrigation pumps and/or the center pivot system which appears to need some work to be operable. Soils consists of Amarillo and Arch primarily. The property is convenient to Muleshoe and has a good set of pens for a cattle operation. Corners are in grass.
2 miles south, 2.5 miles west and .5 mile north from Muleshoe, TX