Contact for Price10,445.51 Acres
For Sale
For Sale
Contact for Price10,445.51 Acres
For Sale

Eldorado, TX 76936 - Schleicher County

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Property ID 22730188

Meador Ranch

Lee, Lee & Puckitt is very honored to represent this long-time family-owned ranch located in the heart of beautiful Schleicher County.

Listing Broker: Lee Puckitt



Total acreage by legal description is 10,445.51 acres. This ranch is not all contiguous and is basically broken into 5 separate parcels, all being in Schleicher County.


This ranch is varied from productive, grassy mesquite flats to rolling liveoak covered hills, and to rolling mixed brush species of juniper, mesquite and liveoak. All of this ranch is considered good native ranch country. The turf is generally in good condition. There is one cultivated field that contains roughly 75 acres.


Fortunately, all of this country would be in an area known for generally having good to very good underground water. Numerous solar wells, electric pumps, and one windmill. Most water is 250ft. to 300ft. in depth. Numerous water storage tanks and troughs. Overall, this ranch is considered to be very well watered.


Very good white tailed deer population throughout. Also has a good population of Rio Grande turkey, dove, and feral hog.

Description of Parcels:


This is the largest tract of the ranch (which includes the high fence pasture below) being approximately 5,437.87 acres which is located on both sides of U.S. Hwy 277 approximately 6 miles north of Eldorado. This tract has 5 pastures, a trap, and good steel pipe corrals. There are several camp houses that are currently being used by the deer hunters. There are 3 electric pumps, and 3 solar pumps. The HIGH FENCE pasture is approximately 1,873 acres in size and has two solar wells furnishing water. There are white tailed deer and some exotics within the high fence. Good liveoak and good cover for wildlife.

The Headquarters has good turf, some large mesquite flats, rolling liveoak hills, and is very scenic with highway frontage.

#2 - CLARK: The Clark tract is approximately 686.55 acres and is located northwest of the Headquarters going on FM 915 then taking C.R. 1828 approximately 4.5 miles then north on an easement road 3.1 miles to the south entrance.

This tract has a solar well and is divided into two pastures. Has strong turf of native grass with large mesquite flat portion with more liveoak motts and cedar on the northern portion of the tract. Deer, turkey, and dove for wildlife.


These three parcels are all one operating unit that contain a total of 2,735.4 acres. This acreage is located southwest of Eldorado by going south on US Hwy 277 then west on FM 2129 then south 3 miles on C.R. 108 to entrance of property.

The CLYDE is the largest parcel being approximately 1,608 acres of all pastureland with a large mesquite flat and rolling live oaks. This parcel is made up of 3 pastures and one trap; one electric pump with a new storage reservoir and two troughs.

The SHAW has approximately 400 acres of native pasture with good turf. Mesquite, cedar, and plenty of liveoak cover. PLUS there is approximately 75 acres in cultivation. This parcel has an electric water pump with storage.

The NIX is accessed by a short laned deeded easement coming out of the southwest corner of the SHAW and entering into the northwest corner of the NIX. This parcel contains approximately 640 acres. This area is very scenic with lots of beautiful live oak, mesquite, and cedar. Good pastureland with a solar well and older native rock tank. The CLYDE, SHAW, and NIX all have good hunting of whitetail deer, turkey, and dove. Together, this is a very nice ranching unit.

#4 - RED BARN:

This tract has approximately 940.9 acres and is off of C.R. 320 (also known as Harkey Lane). This is a very productive (in terms of native grass) tract and is very scenic as well. Lots of liveoak with plenty of rolling topography. This tract is watered by 1 windmill/tank, and 1 solar/tank; and has one set of steel corrals. Excellent grazing and hunting.

#5 -CEDAR:

This parcel contains approximately 642.79 acres and is located about 6 miles east of HWY 277 with C.R. 316 being on the west boundary and C.R. 320 being on the south boundary, thus there is approximately 2 miles of County caliche road frontage on the parcel. This tract is primarily cedar/mesquite with some scattered liveoak. Fences are in good condition with a new fence on the east side. It has one solar well with storage/trough and a set of pipe pens for working livestock. Hunting is considered good.


This total acreage of the Meador Ranch is being sold SURFACE ONLY.


There is a wind turbine lease in place for approximately another 6 years. The future wind royalties are negotiable.


The property is subject to current grazing and hunting leases.


Call for Pricing


The Meador Ranch was put together over many decades in the past. Truly a unique ranch which is very productive in terms of livestock production plus being very scenic and known for its good hunting!


The information contained herein is compiled from resources believed to be accurate. No warranties on the state of ownership of real or any personal property nor any representation as to its accuracy are made by Lee, Lee and Puckitt Associates, Inc., and/or its agents/brokers.


Total acreage by legal description is 10,445.51 acres. This ranch is not all contiguous and is basically broken into 5 separate parcels, all being in Schleicher County.


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Lee, Lee & Puckitt Ranch Sales & Appraisals

License #457034

San Angelo, TX

(325) 655-6989
Listing provided by
Lee, Lee & Puckitt Ranch Sales & Appraisals
Lee, Lee & Puckitt Ranch Sales & Appraisals(325) 655-6989
Listing last updated: February 27, 2025 at 7:06 AM
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Lee, Lee & Puckitt Ranch Sales & Appraisals

Lee, Lee & Puckitt Ranch Sales & Appraisals
(325) 655-6989

Lee, Lee & Puckitt Ranch Sales & Appraisals

Lee, Lee & Puckitt Ranch Sales & Appraisals

Lee, Lee & Puckitt Ranch Sales & Appraisals