U.S. Hwy. 136 Road Frontage.
Ideal location to Build a Home and Shop or other out Building.
Nice Pond with Freeze Proof Water.
Cattle Coral at Northeast Corner of Property.
Downing, Missouri 63536 - 1.6 miles.
Memphis, Missouri 63555 - 10 miles.
Kirksville, Mo. 63501 - 32 miles.
102.2 M/L Acres. (Pending Survey.)
U.S. Hwy. 136 Road Frontage.
Fiber Optic Cable
Electricity and Rural Water along U.S. Hwy. 136.
2 Ponds with Freeze Proof Water.
6 Strand Barb Wire Fences.
Fences consist of Steel and Hedge Posts.
Cattle Coral at Northeast Corner of Property.
Ideal location to Build a Home and Shop or other out Building.