Charlevoix Wooded Vacant land 10 Acres. Although utilities are not currently on the property, they are close by and can be installed. Small Cabin with Hunting blind on top, and solar power. Near Lake Charlevoix and many tourist attractions. Too much to share about Charlevoix with all the boutiques, events, parks, boat launches and lake life. If you aren't familiar with the area, do a quick search and imagine joining off-grid life with the hustle of a beautiful up north community near Lake Michigan.
This property has road frontage on Church Rd. Please refer to the map image. The path to the cabin is clear.
Legal description N 1/2 Of The N 1/2 Of The N 1/2 Of The W1/2 Of The Ne 1/4 Sec 26 T34 N R7 W 10 A M/L.
APN# 007-126-003-00
Map Coordinates act as an address when put into the address bar of maps: 45.3207, -85.12529
Zoned: Vacant Residential
Map Coordinates act as an address when put into the address bar of maps: 45.3207, -85.12529