Buyer to do their own DUE Diligence. Mixed Use/ Central Business District ( CBD ). Approximate half Acre in the historic district of Methuen at the corner of Broadway (Rt. 28 ) and Pleasant street Near I-93, Rt. 213. close to New Hampshire Border. Central Business District is composed of all those areas so designated on the official zoning map. It includes Retail, Service, Office and Residential USES. CBD Be a place of diversity and a mixture of uses. SEE 40R Zoning Ordinance Which allowed 30 units per Acre ( 15 units 1/2 acre ) not included Ground-floor Nonresidential see Dimensional Regulation Attached Max Height 45 ft. Max number of Stories 4.Your Buyer may have a better plan for it, Too many opportunities with town Approval (see Attached PLan)