Slope County, North Dakota Land Market Insights and Pricing
Set in southwestern North Dakota, Slope County is as far from civilization as pretty much anywhere in the lower 48which goes a long way to demonstrating why it registered the fewest inhabitants (727) than any other county in North Dakota during the last U.S. Census count. Remarkably, the county is the size of Rhode Island, but while some 175,000 Rhode Islanders live in the state capital, Providence, less than three dozen can call the Slope County Seat, Amidon, home. In fact, Amidon is so small that Rand McNally doesn't index it in their U.S. road atlas. Slope County ranks 42nd in the Rough Rider State for the total number of acres of land currently advertised for sale. Among cities in Slope County with farms and ranches for sale, Amidon featured the most land for sale. Its economy is defined as agricultural, with 221 farms recorded in the county during the most recent U.S. Census. Farming activities in Slope County generate annual revenues of $4 million, most of which is from crops. Slope County is the 26th largest county (1,219 square miles) in North Dakota. It's located in the West North Dakota region of the state.
1LISTINGS FOR SALE #3,095 of 3,218 Counties
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