Polk County, North Carolina Land Market Insights and Pricing
The value of all land and rural real estate for sale in Polk County, North Carolina, recently was around $99 million, representing a total of 3,062 acres of land for sale in Polk County. Polk County ranks 68th in North Carolina for the combined amount of land currently advertised for sale. Of all locations in Polk County with land for sale, Mill Spring featured the most land for sale. Polk County is the 96th largest county (238 square miles) in North Carolina. It's located in the Mountains North Carolina region of North Carolina.
149LISTINGS FOR SALE #1,155 of 3,218 Counties
$1,831,632AVERAGE LIST PRICE #551 of 3,218 Counties
81.8 acresAVERAGE ACREAGE #1,459 of 3,218 Counties
$41,306AVERAGE PRICE PER ACRE #510 of 3,218 Counties
Land for Sale in Polk County
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