Antelope County, Nebraska Land Market Insights and Pricing
The value of all farms and ranches for sale in Antelope County, Nebraska, recently was $6 million, representing a combined 495 acres of land for sale in Antelope County. Antelope County ranks 57th out of 93 counties in Nebraska for the total number of acres of land currently advertised for sale. Of all farms and ranches for sale in Antelope County, Neligh featured the most land for sale. Its economy is defined as agricultural, with 767 farms recorded in the county during the most recent U.S. Census. Farming activities in Antelope County generate annual revenues of $20 million, the majority of which comes from livestock products. Antelope County is the 25th biggest county (858 square miles) in Nebraska. It's located in the Northeast Nebraska region of the state.
6LISTINGS FOR SALE #2,912 of 3,218 Counties
$1,086,034AVERAGE LIST PRICE #1,126 of 3,218 Counties
159.5 acresAVERAGE ACREAGE #726 of 3,218 Counties
$6,318AVERAGE PRICE PER ACRE #2,594 of 3,218 Counties
Land for Sale in Antelope County
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